These recommendations aimed to provide trainees with tangible and practical outcomes to support their wellbeing and their engagement with the college. Council endorsed all the recommendations and from there, the Trainee Welbeing Working Group (TWWG) was established.
The TWWG model focused on trainee leadership and bringing on to the group trainees and fellows from both anaesthesia and pain medicine with an interest in specific aspects of trainee wellbeing. This dedicated work has demonstrated the level of importance that the college places on doctors' health and wellbeing.
This report explains all that’s been achieved and how trainee wellbeing fits into the strategic priorities of our college.
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We support a number of services and initiatives which are underpinned by our commitment outlined in our Doctors' Health and Wellbeing Framework.
As part of our ongoing support for our fellows, trainees, and SIMGs, ANZCA has engaged the professional services of Converge International – a confidential and independent counselling and coaching program.
Our Critical Incident Debriefing Toolkit provides a comprehensive, evidence-based resource on what are critical incidents, how to provide support and a hot debrief following a critical incident. It can be read in sections or as a whole.
We have developed a directory of doctors' health advisory services and helplines in Australia and New Zealand.
ANZCA considers bullying, discrimination and harassment unacceptable behaviour that will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Fellows and trainees acting as college representatives are responsible for ensuring an environment free of this behaviour.
Wellbeing advocates are recommended for all ANZCA and FPM accredited hospitals.
The ANZCA doctors health and wellbeing framework informs our strategic and operational efforts in the wellbeing space.
Find out what else we're doing to improve doctors' health and wellbeing.
This toolkit is a resource to support anaesthesia departments and individual anaesthetists to operationalise a framework they can put into action.
The aim of the Wellbeing SIG is to promote personal wellbeing and to heighten awareness of wellbeing issues in anaesthetists and pain medicine specialists. The group is an informative, educative and referral group; it has no therapeutic role.