Trainee Wellbeing Project Group

The Trainee Wellbeing Project Group (TWPG) was formed in 2019 to deliver on recommendations identified by the Trainee Wellbeing Working Group in their 2018 report to ANZCA Council.

These recommendations aimed to provide trainees with tangible and practical outcomes to support their wellbeing and their engagement with the college. Council endorsed all the recommendations and from there, the Trainee Welbeing Working Group (TWWG) was established.

The TWWG model focused on trainee leadership and bringing on to the group trainees and fellows from both anaesthesia and pain medicine with an interest in specific aspects of trainee wellbeing. This dedicated work has demonstrated the level of importance that the college places on doctors' health and wellbeing.

This report explains all that’s been achieved and how trainee wellbeing fits into the strategic priorities of our college.