EMAC course

Effective Management of Anaesthetic Crises (EMAC) is a simulation-based course focused on managing anaesthetic emergencies. It consists of five modules, run over two and a half days, and is a compulsory requirement of the anaesthesia training program.

Photo of patient in hospital bed being anaesthetised

EMAC for ANZCA trainees

We strongly recommend you attend an EMAC course before you begin provisional fellowship training. As the focus is on crisis management, trainees who have completed at least 12-18 months of anaesthesia training are likely to get the best benefit. The EMAC course may be undertaken at any time after completion of introductory training.

EMAC is run over two and a half days, and consists of the following five modules:

  • Human factors   
  • Airway management   
  • Cardiovascular emergencies   
  • Anaesthetic emergencies and   
  • Trauma management

It is taught by experienced anaesthetists and offers a valuable educational opportunity for participants to learn and practice systematic skills in a safe, simulated environment, using high-tech mannequins.

The emphasis is on small group teaching, intensive hands-on simulation practice and personal feedback. Many of the scenarios and drills are designed to build effective communication and teamwork. The course is not assessed, but participants are given direct observational feedback throughout.

Please note that there are no opportunities to complete workplace-based assessments during the course.

EMAC courses are delivered at the following ANZCA-accredited simulation centres in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide, Wellington, Auckland and Hong Kong.                                                                              


South  Australia


Adelaide Health Simulation, The University of Adelaide
Phone: +61 8313 5101
Email: [email protected]


New South Wales


Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre
Phone: +61 2 9926 4646
Email: Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre




Clinical Skills Development Centre
Phone: +61 7 3646 6510
Email: [email protected]




Epworth HealthCare, Clinical Education and Simulation Centre

Phone: +613 9426 8620
Fax: +613 9928 4000
Email: [email protected]           

St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne

Phone: +61 3 9288 2900
Email: St Vincents Hospital
St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne is currently not running any EMAC courses


Western Australia


Perth Children's Hospital, Education Centre
Phone: +61 8 6456 1211
Email: [email protected]


Auckland, New Zealand


Simulation Centre for Patient Safety, University of Auckland - Grafton Campus  
Phone: +64 9 923 3122 or +64 9 373 7599 ext 83122
Email: Simulation Centre for Patient Safety


Wellington, New Zealand


Wellington Regional Centre for Simulation & Skills Education
Phone: +64 4 385 5887
Email: National Patient Simulation Training Centre


Hong Kong


HKCA Institute of Clinical Simulation
Phone: + 852 2683 8343
Email: HKCA Institute of Clinical Simulation 

Finding an EMAC course is easy. Simply select "EMAC" from the course dropdown and search by date and location.

EMAC for simulation centres

ANZCA accredits simulation centres across Australia, New Zealand and south-east Asia to offer the EMAC course. Refer to the EMAC Course Handbook for detailed information on the accreditation standards and requirements for simulation centres offering the course.

The EMAC Course Sub-committee is responsible for oversight of EMAC course delivery, including the accreditation of centres, appointment of instructors, and revision of course content.

The Supervisors of EMAC Network provides a forum for the sub-committee and the supervisors of EMAC to collaborate, share, discuss and advise on challenges faced relating to EMAC course delivery.

The annual EMAC course licence fee is confirmed on an annual basis following the November council meeting. An invoice is sent to all simulation centres following this meeting. Payment is required by 30 January, annually. For enquiries, please contact us.

Become an EMAC Instructor

Being an instructor is a great way to build your experience and impart your knowledge and skills within the crisis management space.

Assistant EMAC Instructor application form
341.61 KB

Assistant EMAC Instructor application form

Associate EMAC Instructor application form
424.82 KB

Associate EMAC Instructor application form

Full EMAC Instructor application form
102.71 KB

Full EMAC Instructor application form


Pre-approved simulation instructor courses

The simulation instructor courses below have been pre-approved by the EMAC Course Subcommittee as suitable for those wishing to apply to become an EMAC course instructor. Please contact centres directly for course dates and further information.

Any changes to Instructor course content or course leadership will require a revised application to be submitted to the EMAC subcommittee.


New South Wales


Sydney Clinical Skills and Simulation Centre
Instructor Course




Clinical Skills Development Service
EMAC Instructor's Course




Alfred Health, Alfred Simulation Centre
Simulation-Based Training Instructor Course


Western Australia


Sir Charles Gardner Hospital
Simulation Instructor Modular Advanced Course (SIMAC)
Western Australian Department of Health
SimStart - Simulation Instructors Course


New Zealand, Auckland


NetworkZ, Auckland City Hospital
Instructor Training Course


New Zealand, Wellington


National Patient Simulation Training Centre, Wellington Hospital
New Zealand Simulation Instructors Course 


Boston, MA, USA


Center for Medical Simulation (CMS)
Comprehensive Instructor Workshop (5 days, Boston)
Mater Education Limited and Centre for Medical Simulation (CMS) Boston
Healthcare Simulation Essentials: Design and Debriefing (previously known as ‘Simulation as a Teaching Tool’)