Doctors' Health and Wellbeing Framework

ANZCA's commitment to your health and wellbeing is underpinned by a framework that underwent broad consultation with our members and other medical colleges.

Three integrated action areas

  1. Promotion
    Promoting the positive aspects of being in the profession as well as the importance of self-care in the role of doctor. Promoting research.
  2. Prevention
    Advocating to reduce profession-related risk factors for health and wellbeing.
  3. Support
    Providing effective and accessible services and resources to support doctors’ at each stage of their careers.

Four key principles

There are four key principles that will guide the implementation of all health and wellbeing actions in alignment with this framework.

  1. A collaborative approach and a willingness to respond:
    Reflecting the collective effort considered essential to achieve the overarching intent including; joint strategies with fellows, SIMGs, trainees and staff, and, partnership with employers, other colleges, societies and agencies. From the importance of self-care to leading cultural change, we are all part of shifting the professional paradigm to one that considers the health and wellbeing of our doctors a priority.
  2. Risk and protective strategies
    Reflecting our ability to promote evidence-based strategies through education, policies and other areas of influence in employer organisations.
  3. A respectful, positive approach to creating a safe and supportive culture
    Reflecting our ability to provide leadership and advocacy in the profession, supporting a culture which positively embraces the importance of health, safety and wellbeing of doctors.
  4. An accessible, integrated approach
    Reflecting our ability to provide integrated strategies that consider work environment, home and personal life, and the potential stigma associated with seeking help.  ANZCA’s commitment is to take a pro-active approach in supporting access to resources, training, support services (ANZCA and other).

ANZCA'S role

The following descriptions intend to support shared clarity around ANZCA’s role in doctors’ health and wellbeing.


ANZCA to incorporate health and wellbeing learning across the lifecycle stages including: professional standards, curricula, CPD and learning resources shared with members and broader partners.


ANZCA to actively engage with our fellows, trainees and SIMGs to support the shift in paradigm to a healthful anaesthesia and pain medicine workforce through:    

  • De-stigmatisation.
  • The importance of self-care.
  • An evidence-based, risk-management approach.
  • Advocate for changes required in legislation and in workplaces.

Standards and accreditation

ANZCA to ensure consistent, clear and achievable health and wellbeing standards are effectively encouraged and monitored through accreditation processes and systems.