SIMG performance assessments

The SIMG PA is a one-day assessment conducted by two fellows and at times an observer in the SIMG’s actual working environment.

The SIMG performance assessment (PA) is a component of the individual program. 

The PA assesses the professional performance of the SIMG against a standard that would be reasonably expected of a specialist anaesthetist/pain medicine physician who has been trained in Australia or New Zealand. 

The SIMG PA usually occurs in the final three calendar months of the CPA period. The SIMG PA is a one-day assessment conducted by two fellows and at times an observer in the SIMG’s actual working environment. 

The SIMG PA is a comprehensive assessment of everyday work using the following suite of tools:

  • Pre-visit questionnaire for candidate and hospital/health area.
  • Interview with the candidate.
  • Observation of practice.
  • Case based discussions.
  • Multisource feedback from relevant staff members.
  • Medical record review.
  • Review of candidate’s portfolio.

The SIMG team will contact you when arrangements for your PA can commence. This usually happen after receiving your first three months satisfactory CPA report. We will liaise with you and assessors to determine a suitable date for the PA once we’ve received the PA fee payment. It normally takes 10-12 weeks to finalise all arrangements for the PA.

Anaesthesia PA
Performance assessment information for SIMGs (AN)
Pain medicine PA
Performance assessment information for SIMGs  (PM)
For more information, please check SIMG Handbook, section 9 - Performance Assessment. 

Assessors are bound by confidentiality and may not disclose confidential information except in the proper course of the assessor’s role.

ANZCA is committed to ensuring the privacy of individuals. All information is collected in compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles – Privacy Act 1988 (Australia) and the Information Privacy Principles – Privacy Act 1993 (New Zealand) as outlined in the ANZCA Privacy Policy, are available on our website.

You are entitled to have any ANZCA decision reconsidered, reviewed or appealed.  ANZCA Regulations 30 and 31, which outline these processes, are available on our website.