Anaesthesia Exams FAQs

Important information for all candidates participating in ANZCA exams, including our conditions of application and entry.

Information regarding exams

Trainees participating in our anaesthesia, pain medicine, and diving and hyperbaric medicine exams are required to adhere to our conditions of entry. These are consistent with other medical colleges and are intended to protect the academic integrity of our high-stakes examinations. Please change this to  - Trainees participating in our anaesthesia exams are required to adhere to the conditions of entry, the ANZCA academic integrity policy and meet the training requirements for each examination.  Please see below general information on the ANZCA examinations.

Conditions of application

You should register for the exam via the online link above and pay the registration fee. Once this is completed you will be sent a receipt for the examination fee as well as an application form. Complete the application form and send this along with a copy of the receipt via email to the relevant exam (email address will be on the application form). Your application will be incomplete if you do not send the application form. All emails will be acknowledged within 48 hours of receipt (or within 48 hours of the next working day for applications received during weekends and holidays)

List of definitions to assist with exam preparation

COMPAREnote the similarities
CONTRASTnote the differences
DEFINEgive the precise meaning of
DESCRIBEgive a detailed account of
DISCUSSwrite about a topic in detail, considering different issues or ideas
EVALUATEmake an appraisal of the worth of something
EXPLAINmake plain, interpret, account for in detail
ILLUSTRATEmake clear by concrete examples and/or diagrams
INTERPRETanalyse and explain what something means
JUSTIFYshow adequate grounds for decisions
LISTcatalogue by groups or classes with minimal explanation
OUTLINEgive the main features or general principles
RELATEshow how things are connected to and affect each other


MCQ section of primary and final exams

The multiple-choice questions (MCQ) are answered in a GPAS sheet.

  • You are NOT allowed to make notes or scribble during reading time. This includes any type of marking the answers on the question paper.
  • Other than your candidate number, do not write any other personal information on the answer sheet.
  • All answers to be recorded using pencil that is provided.
  • Do not cross out mistakes, carefully and neatly erase any mistakes (erasers provided).
  • Candidates wishing to make notes or perform calculations may do so on the question paper during writing time.
  • The MCQ question paper is to be returned along with your answer sheet and is not allowed outside the exam room.

SAQ section of final and primary exams

The short-answer question (SAQ) is written in 15 books, which make a set.

  • You will be allowed to make notes on the question paper during reading time.
  • On commencement of writing, all scribbling and calculations to be done on the last ruled page of the booklet, run a line through indicating it is not to be considered for marking.
  • Each question must be answered in a separate book as per the marking of the question number on the book.
  • Ensure that your candidate number is written on the front of each book on the top right-hand corner.
  • Writing should be in the ruled section of the book only. Do not write in the margins, the darkened-out areas or the blank pages.
  • Do not leave empty ruled pages once you start writing, if you do, run a line through the page to indicate the answer continues.
  • All writing in blue or black pen only. No coloured pens or highlighters.
  • The SAQ books are scanned in black and white for marking and this does not pick up coloured graphs or any drawing in colour.
  • Other than your candidate number, do not write any other personal information on the answer books. You are to refrain from adding any personal information or notes to the markers on any pages of the SAQ books.

General examination guidelines

  • Candidates are strictly forbidden from taking any timekeeping, electronic or audio recording devices into an exam room, including any pre-or post-exam waiting (quarantine) areas. These items include, but are not limited to phones, pagers, exercise bands etc.
  • All electronic devices are to be switched off / airplane mode and left either in your bag or the invigilator for safekeeping.
  • No personal time keeping devices is allowed on your person or desk at the exam, this includes any type of watch (analogue, smart, digital, automatic chronograph mechanical and others), digital clocks, stopwatches, timers and the like. 
  • Time will be projected on digital clocks around the room
  • No noise cancelling devices are allowed at the exam, this includes but not limited to ear plugs, headphones etc.
  • Calculators are not allowed at the exam.
  • No coloured pens or highlighters are allowed. The MCQ is written in pencils provided and SAQ in either blue or black colour pens. It is strongly recommended that you do not use erasable pens.
  • Should you wish to bring in a ruler, please ensure that it is transparent and no longer than 6 inches.
  • If you wish to carry a pencil case, please ensure it is a small transparent pencil case.
  • No food will be allowed into the exam room.
  • Water is provided and available at all times during the exam.
  • Candidates will not be permitted to use the exam venue for lunch/study purposes between MCQ and SAQ sessions

Withdrawing from the exam

Any candidate may withdraw their application to sit the exam. They should notify the exam team in writing. Penalties will apply should they withdraw after the closing date.

Special considerations

If a candidate has a chronic disability and/ or suffers an adverse event that is beyond their control that will have an impact on their performance around or during an exam, they may apply for special consideration. To apply for Special consideration please complete this online form and the examination team will be notified to process your request. Please review the ANZCA special consideration policy and Regulation 37.