
We offer two prestigious anaesthesia professorships. Explore the eligibility criteria, application process, entitlements, and past recipients. Both professorships are awarded every four years. The next awards will be in 2027 and 2029 respectively.

Lennard Travers Professorship

The Lennard Travers Professorship was established by the Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, in 1968. It is a prestigious award which is offered every four years and provides support for a fellow of the college to work in an area of his/her choosing towards the advancement of knowledge in a nominated area of anaesthesia.

Open to fellows of the college in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia or Singapore to work in a nominated area of anaesthesia.

The award of the professorship carries an emolument of $A70,000. The successful applicant will be required to deliver the Australasian Visitor’s Lecture at the appropriate annual scientific meeting of the college. The tenure of the professorship is one year with the appointee holding the courtesy title of Lennard Travers Professor of Anaesthesia.

Each application must be submitted on the application form, which will detail the nominated area of work and the way in which the study will be carried out, and be accompanied by a full curriculum vitae, and the names of three referees.

The applications will be reviewed by the ANZCA Research Committee as per the applications guidelines for the professorship.

Before applying, please read the information on our apply for an ANZCA research grant page.

The application form and grant guidelines will be available on 1 December 2025.

The following people have been bestowed with the title of Lennard Travers Professor of Anaesthesia.

  • 1972 Gordon Alfred Harrison, Sydney
  • 1975 Graham Chudleigh Fisk, Sydney
  • 1977 John David Paull, Melbourne
  • 1982 William Ben Runciman, Adelaide
  • 1985 Thomas Christopher Kenneth Brown, Melbourne
  • 1988 Peter Brownridge, Adelaide
  • 1991 Rodney Neill Westhorpe, Melbourne
  • 1995 David Pilkington Crankshaw, Melbourne
  • 1999 Guy Lawrence Ludbrook, Adelaide
  • 2003 Paul Stewart Myles, Melbourne
  • 2007 Michael James Paech, Perth
  • 2011 Andrew Davidson, Melbourne
  • 2015 Matthew Tak Vai Chan, Hong Kong
  • 2019 Justin Skowno, Sydney
  • 2023 Andre van Zundert, Queensland

Douglas Joseph Professorship

The prestigious quadrennial Douglas Joseph Professorship was established by the Board of the Faculty of Anaesthetists, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 1991 following a generous bequest from the late Douglas Joseph to endow a fellowship or grant in aid for research in human anaesthesia.

Fellows of the college making an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the specialty to pursue research in human anaesthesia in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore may apply.

The Professorship has an emolument of $A70,000. The successful applicant will be required to deliver the Australasian Visitor’s Lecture at the appropriate Annual Scientific Meeting of the college. The tenure of the professorship is one year with the appointee holding the courtesy title of Douglas Joseph Professor of Anaesthesia.

Each application must be submitted on the application form, which will detail the nominated area of work and the way in which the study will be carried out, and be accompanied by a full curriculum vitae, and the names of three referees to whom reference may be made.

The applications will be reviewed by the ANZCA Research Committee as per the applications guidelines for the professorship.

Before applying, please read the information on our apply for an ANZCA research grant page.

The application form and grant guidelines will be available on 1 December 2027.

The following people have been bestowed with the title of Douglas Joseph Professor of Anaesthesia.

  • 1993 Laurence Edward Mather
  • 1997 Arthur Barrington Baker
  • 2001 Guy Lawrence Ludbrook, Adelaide
  • 2005 Kate Leslie, Melbourne
  • 2009 Paul Myles, Melbourne
  • 2013 Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg, Perth
  • 2017 Jennifer Weller, New Zealand
  • 2022 David Story, Melbourne
  • 2025 Alicia Dennis, Melbourne