Named ANZCA Foundation research awards and grants

Each year a number of honorary named awards are made at the discretion of the ANZCA Research Committee.

The Harry Daly Research Award was established in 1981 by the Faculty of Anaesthestists of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, and is awarded each year to the research grant applicant whose project is ranked highest by the ANZCA Research Committee.

The John Boyd Craig Research Award is awarded each year to an outstanding applicant, preferably in Western Australia, to support a highly ranked pain-related research grant in honour of Dr John Boyd Craig, a patron of the foundation at the governor level.

The Russell Cole Memorial ANZCA Research Award was established following a generous donation to the ANZCA Foundation from Mrs Ann Cole, to support a highly ranked pain related research grant, with a preference for the relief of cancer pain.

The Robin Smallwood Bequest was established following a generous bequest from the late Dr Robin Smallwood to support a highly ranked grant in anaesthesia, intensive care or pain medicine.

The Elaine Lillian Kluver ANZCA Research Award was established following a generous gift from the estate of the late Dr Elaine Kluver to the ANZCA Foundation to support a highly ranked anaesthesia, analgesia or pain-related research grant.

The Patricia Mackay Memorial ANZCA Research Award was established following a generous donation to the ANZCA Foundation from Mrs Indi Mackay, to support a highly ranked grant that aligns with Dr Patricia Mackay’s known special interests in quality and safety in patient outcomes and the related identification and reduction of adverse events.

The Provisional New Fellow (PNF) ANZCA Research Award was established following a generous donation from Professor Barry Baker, retired anaesthetist, a former ANZCA Dean of Education, and former Nuffield Professor of Anaesthetics, University of Sydney, to the ANZCA Foundation to support a highly ranked novice investigator.

The Skantha Vallipuram ANZCA Research Scholarship has been set up by his family as a memorial to Dr Skantha Vallipuram, FANZCA, FFPMANZCA to assist fellows or trainees to help establish their research careers. 

The ANZCA Innovation and Technology Research Award was established following a generous donations to the ANZCA Foundation from Dr Stan Tay, A Foundation Governor Patron, to support a highly ranked research study that involves the innovative use or development of technology.  

The W. John Russell ANZCA Research Award was established following a generous donation to the ANZCA Foundation from Mrs Jan Russell to recognise the enormous contribution of Dr Russell to the broad area of engineering and equipment in anesthesia and perioperative medicine.  This honorary award will be made to a highly ranked research grant that aligns with Dr Russell's area of special interests in engineering and equipment in anaesthesia, perioperative or pain medicine or related to patient safety, teaching or clinical pharmacology.

This grant is named in honour of ANZCA Foundation Patrons, the foundation's most committed high-level donors, and was established to assist emerging researchers in transitioning from the novice to mid-career stage.

The Darcy Price ANZCA Research Award is awarded to a project involving any or all of the following: an emerging investigator, regional anaesthesia, or education proposed by fellows and registered trainees of ANZCA or FPM.

The Environment and Sustainability Research Grant is the initiative of a group of anaesthetists to encourage and support research activity to evaluate the environmental impact of current practice, and initiatives to implement models of environmentally sustainable care with equivalent or better patient outcomes and cost.

The ANZCA Melbourne Emerging Anaesthesia Researcher Award was established by the ANZCA Foundation, the Anaesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine Unit at the University of Melbourne, and Dr Peter Lowe. Dr Lowe, a retired Melbourne anaesthetist and ANZCA Medal recipient, has made a generous commitment to support emerging researchers within five years of fellowship undertaking anaesthesia research at a University of Melbourne affiliated hospitals through the award.

The ANZCA Melbourne Emerging Researcher Scholarship was established by the ANZCA Foundation, the Anaesthesia, Perioperative and Pain Medicine Unit (APPMU) at the University of Melbourne, and Dr Peter Lowe. Dr Lowe, a retired Melbourne anaesthetist and ANZCA Medal recipient, has made a generous commitment and provided a scholarship to support an early-career researcher in anaesthesia, pain medicine and perioperative medicine. The scholarship is available to fellows within five years of their original qualification and advanced trainees enrolled in a research higher degree at the University of Melbourne.

The Joan Sheales Staff Education Award is intended to assist an ANZCA staff member to attend an appropriate local or international educational meeting, conference, seminar, course or similar educational event.

The award was funded by a generous donation made by Professor Barry Baker in 2014 in honour of past ANZCA Chief Executive Officer Ms Joan Sheales, and provides a small grant to be available every second year to help an ANZCA staff member develop their professional capacity to support the College’s delivery of high-quality training and education in the specialties.

Previous recipients:

  • 2018: Hannah Sinclair, ANZCA membership manager, was the recipient of the award in 2018. Her project was to undertake a study tour to visit the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC) to learn more about the services they provide, and how they deliver, support, and engage with members.

  • 2016: Monica Cronin, curator of the Geoffrey Kaye Museum of Anaesthetic History, was the inaugural recipient of the Joan Sheales staff education award. In 2017, Monica attended the International Symposium on the History of Anaesthesia in Boston, to understand the ways in which other heritage organisations of a similar nature are engaging with their core community, and learn about innovative practices which can then be incorporated into the ANZCA Museum.
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