Project Grant

Interim analyses in two-by-two factorial designs: A simulation study using the VAPOR-C trial.

CIA: Professor Bernhard Riedel

The project was awarded A$25,386 funding through the ANZCA research grants program for 2024.

Professor Bernhard Riedel, in close collaboration with Ms Sabine Braat, Dr Anurika De Silva, and Ms Meg Tully from the University of Melbourne's Methods and Implementation Support for Clinical and Health Research Hub, will embark on an extensive simulation study with a specific focus on the interplay between factorial randomised trials and interim analyses.

The study is poised to yield practical insights that hold universal relevance for all RCTs employing or considering the implementation of interim analysis in factorial study designs – which deliver a multitude of advantages, including heightened trial efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and unwavering commitment to ethical standards.

The outcomes of this research endeavour will contribute significantly to the understanding and the underlying parameters that govern these trials.

Professor Bernhard Riedel, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne;

Ms Meg Tully, Dr Anurika De Silva, and Ms Sabine Braat, University of Melbourne.

The project was awarded A$25,386 funding through the ANZCA research grants program for 2024.