Applicants must have university status at the level of professor, associate professor, clinical professor or clinical associate professor but do not have to have administrative responsibility for a clinical department.
All chief investigators must be a fellow of ANZCA or FPM.
Research foci eligible for support include:
- A new chair.
- An existing chair with new incumbent; an existing chair pursuing a new research direction.
- A second chair in an existing department.
- A professor/associate professor (or clinical professor/clinical associate professor) who heads a research group.
The grant is awarded on the following criteria:
- The research merit of the program.
- The track record of the applicant(s) and their ability to carry out the proposed research.
- The potential long-term benefits of the research program to academic endeavour of the research group and the specialty, including its ability to promote fellows and trainees pursuing higher degrees.
The maximum amount available for an academic enhancement grant is $A100,000.
Applicants for the Academic Enhancement Grant (AEG) will be given the option for the project component of their grant (if appropriate) to be considered and ranked for funding as a project grant, subject to project grant assessment and eligibility criteria, if unsuccessful for the AEG.
The grant round opens on 1 December 2024 and closes 5pm (AEDT) 1 April, 2025. Before applying, please read the information on our apply for an ANZCA research grant page.
Applicants are encouraged to carefully read the guidelines, noting the application form requirements.
The following ANZCA and FPM fellows have been awarded academic enhancement grants:
- 2023: Professor Robert Sanders (NSW)
- 2022: Associate Professor Stefan Dieleman (NSW)
- 2021: No grant awarded
- 2020: Associate Professor Victoria Eley (Qld)
- 2019: No grant awarded
- 2018: Associate Professor Alicia Dennis (Vic)
- 2017: Professor Eric Visser (WA)
- 2016: Professor David Story (Vic)
- 2015: Professor Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg
- 2014: Professor Philip Siddall
- 2013: Professor Matthew Chan and Professor Michael Reade