
Clinical Trials Network pilot grant scheme

A research coordinator discusses a clinical trial with a patient and a caregiver, highlighting the importance of informed consent in research participation.

Generous donation expands the CTN pilot grant scheme

We are delighted to acknowledge and extend our gratitude to Dr Peter Lowe for his generous donation of $10,000 in 2024. This contribution has expanded the ANZCA CTN pilot grant scheme’s funding pool from $30,000 to $40,000, enabling the ANZCA Clinical Trials Network (CTN) Executive to fund an additional pilot grant in the current scheme and further advance our mission of impactful clinical research.

The foundation of the ANZCA CTN’s success lies in its solid framework, which enables investigators to refine their research protocols and concepts through constructive feedback from experts, statisticians, and workshop participants at our annual CTN Strategic Research Workshop. These exploratory studies, funded by the ANZCA Foundation through the invaluable contributions of supporters like Dr Lowe, generate pilot and feasibility data that enhance our ability to secure large-scale competitive grants and facilitate international, multicentre clinical trials.

Dr Peter Lowe’s contribution will directly support our dedicated community of emerging and experienced researchers, enabling them to pursue important research of improving outcomes and advancing patient care and safety after surgery.

To learn more about the pilot grant program and how to apply, visit the pilot grant page.