BJA personal subscriptions

As a member, you can subscribe to the high-impact British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA) at a heavily discounted personal subscription rate.

The British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA) publishes high-impact original work in all branches of anaesthesia, critical care medicine, pain medicine and perioperative medicine including fundamental, translational and clinical sciences, clinical practice, technology, education and training.

As a current college fellow, trainee or SIMG, you can take out a personal subscription to BJA at a heavily discounted rate. From 2025, subscribers have access to an online-only personal subscription (print has been discontinued):

  • Online-only: £55 GBP (View conversion in AUD | NZD)

The subscription period is for 12 months (January-December). If you wish to take advantage of the discount offer, complete the BJA Personal Subscription Expression of Interest form to notify the BJA subscription department, who will follow up with you direct [Note: your college ID and password is required to authenticate your current membership status when accessing the link above].

Note: From 1 January 2022, the ANZCA Library will no longer provide online access to recent issues of BJA. College members will still be able to access:

  • Issues published pre-2022
  • Issue published from 2022 onward that are older than 12 months

The content will be available through the library's discovery service, journals list, apps and Libkey Nomad. It will also be possible to request any newer articles not online through the library free-of-cost.