All applications
This application is intended to ensure that the PF position applied for meets the standards expected by ANZCA for training, supervision, and development of advanced technical and non-technical skills. Outlining the structure of the position in the application form offers transparency and clarity of expectations for the trainee, the training site, and for ANZCA. A well-designed Provisional Fellowship position has benefits to both the trainee and training site.
Completed applications are submitted to ANZCA Training for formal review. Applications are initially reviewed to ensure all information and required documents are included, and then forwarded to the ANZCA Provisional Fellowship Program Subcommittee (PFPSC) for review and voting.
All members of the PFPSC receive the application and supporting documentation within XXX days of a complete submission being received. The application is reviewed by each member of the PFPSC independently. To be approved, a minimum of 75% of committee members must assess the position as meeting the requirements for Provisional Fellowship. Following PFPSC voting, applicants will be informed of the outcome within within four weeks.
Where applications are unsuccessful, feedback is provided to the applicant as to the reasons for the decision, and opportunity for resubmission following amendments is made. Resubmissions will go back through the earlier described voting and outcome notification process.
- Inadequate Clinical Support Time (CST) or CST that is ad hoc in nature. CST must be regularly rostered, be entirely separate from any clinical duties, and make up a minimum of 10% of rostered sessions. This time should not overlap with recovery time from on-calls. The provided session planner should illustrate clearly how CST time is offered.
- Application forms not signed by the appropriate Supervisor(s). For ‘Overseas or non-ANZCA accredited site applications’ this includes the ANZCA Supervisor nomination, in addition to the Site Supervisor Declaration on the final page.
- Application is submitted without the necessary supporting documents i.e. Employment Contract and Position Description
- The included Session Planners are unclear or not reflective of what is outlined in the Position Description
- The Session Planner is in conflict with fatigue management best practice as outlined in PG43(A): ‘Guideline on fatigue risk management in anaesthesia practice’ to the degree that it raises significant concerns about the quality of the educational environment in this setting.
ANZCA recognises that the goals and expectations of a Fellowship may vary depending on the role and the individual. To provide maximum benefit to both groups, ANZCA encourages clarity in published position descriptions, and early goal setting discussions between the site and trainee.
Individualised applications
A number of PF positions have undergone the application and approval process and are listed on the ANZCA website. These positions have been determined to meet the standards expected for PF training and do not require an individual to therefore seek approval for this position and time to be recognised towards training.
There are occasions where individuals seek to undertake PF training time in a site or role that has not undergone the approval process. This may include positions outside Australia & New Zealand. In these instances, the individual will need to submit an application to ANZCA with supporting documentation to demonstrate that this position meets the standards expected for training. Applications with at least 10 weeks / 20% clinical anaesthesia time (CAT) will be reviewed by the PFPSC. Applications with less than 10 weeks / 20% CAT will be reviewed by the director of professional affairs in keeping with Reg 37.13.8.
The need to complete this process should not deter an individual from pursuing a position that they feel is of interest and professional benefit. Guidance is available to support individuals through this process, and assistance may be provided where required.
In order to minimise delays to approval, ANZCA advises applicants to submit their individualised application as soon as possible after receiving the employment contract and position description necessary to make the application.
ANZCA does not encourage late application submissions, however trainees have up to four weeks following PF commencement to submit their completed application and supporting documents. This is to account for any administrative delays, including waiting for Final Examination results. Should the submission be more than four weeks late, Regulation 37, item 37.13.9 “Up to four weeks training prior to application may be approved as PFT” will apply.
A nominated ANZCA Supervisor is required as part of every individualised application whether overseas or within Australia and New Zealand. A current or recent Supervisor of Training is typically the most appropriate individual in this instance. They will be required to periodically review trainee TPS submissions during the period covered by the application in order to validate time and assessments as appropriate.
ANZCA encourages overseas sites to share as much information as possible, with consideration as to why they are inviting the ANZCA Provisional Fellow to join their team, what skill set their unit offers, and what clinical and non-clinical opportunities are there for the Provisional Fellow in this time.
The College is happy to provide further clarification and guidance should there be uncertainty as to how best to complete an application. Please contact the training team.
Training site applications
The Session Planner provides an indication of the typical work pattern of the PF including CST and CAT/OCT as appropriate. The planner provides information around the frequency of sub-specialty or service theatre lists where relevant, or other non-clinical activities such as simulation, education or research sessions. Further valuable information around the structure of any on-calls or after-hours work, including rostering practices surrounding these shifts is also utilised to inform an approval decision.
The Session Planner template included in the application form may be too simple in order to reflect the detail above, in which case the PFPSC will review alternative templates that are submitted in lieu. Commonly, sites opt to include a template that covers a longer timeframe, and incorporates after-hours periods in a tabular format.
The Session Planner does not need to be a precise replica of a roster, but is intended to demonstrate an average roster pattern over a period of time, and includes examples of how after-hours work is rostered where relevant to the position.
Clinical Support Time is an integral component of PF training, and a requirement of all PF positions as outlined in Regulation 37. In practical terms, this equates to a minimum of 10% of rostered sessions being allocated to CST.
This time provides the PF opportunity to develop non-clinical skills in accordance with ANZCA Roles in Practice, and explore areas of interest beyond the clinical setting. These interests may demonstrate benefit to the individual and/or training site. Regularly scheduled CST allows for greater planning, time-management and engagement with such activities which provides for a richer overall experience and the opportunity for more meaningful professional development.
As the nature of PF positions is highly variable, the level of supervision required is equally so. In order to maximise the PF experience, ANZCA encourages clarity of expectations around supervision in Position Descriptions, and early discussion between PFs and Supervisors to navigate expectations.
Providing details around the level of supervision allows for the PFPSC to understand the purpose of the position, for example whether it is increased independence, or opportunities for supervised practice and specific learning. Further to this, the information provided indicates how this is achieved.
As this remains a supervised training position, there is an expectation that some form of supervision will remain in place at all times.
Provisional Fellows are required to complete a limited, but valuable set of mandatory Workplace Based Assessments comprising two Case-Based Discussions and one Multi-Source Feedback during the 12 months FTE allocated to Provisional Fellowship. These assessments need not be all completed at one site if the PF year is divided between more than one area, but this number of assessments is the minimum required, with PFs welcome to complete additional WBA opportunities for their personal benefit should they so wish.
This component of the application should outline the understanding the department holds as to which WBAs are able to be completed at the site, what local mechanisms exist to facilitate this, and whether there are specialists within the department skilled at the provision of feedback and supportive of reflective practice.
Given the variety of Provisional Fellowships, the opportunities for professional development will be diverse and may be linked to particular strengths or focus of the site. This component of the application should outline what opportunities exist within this role and how the PF will be supported to access these. This information is helpful for the Subcommittee to understand the type of experience being offered to the trainee, and how this role promotes the broader professional development of the trainee during their time at this site.