Final exam preparation courses (formerly Part 2)

We strongly encourage all trainees preparing for the ANZCA final exam to take advantage of the refresher courses and mock vivas we run in major centres around Australia and New Zealand. Spaces are strictly limited and they fill up quickly.

These activities are organised by our Australian regional committees and the New Zealand National Committee and delivered by local fellows on a voluntary basis, so the content, structure, cost, and availability of these courses varies.

Where spaces are limited, we will prioritise local candidates who are sitting the upcoming exam. In the case of a course that isn't available in every Australian region, participating regional committees will make a limited number of places available to interstate trainees on a first-come basis.

Final exam preparation courses and mock vivas are offered in most major centres, but some committees put on additional exam preparation activities. Please refer to the individual event listings for detailed information on the structure and content of your local courses.

Final refresher course

This intensive program that covers many of the core curriculum topics that are potentially included in the final exam. It's specifically designed to assist candidates in their preparation for both the written and oral exams.

Lectures are conducted in a variety of formats including la ecture format and more interactive styles. Each session highlights important features of the topic and helps candidates to organise and present their knowledge clearly and with perspective. To that end, lecturers are encouraged to present their topic to include information on written and oral examinations including exam preparation, techniques, and previous multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions and vivas.

Although the learning objectives will be covered in the course, it is not possible within the given timeframe to review all information required for the final examination.

This course is only offered in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and Auckland.  

Final viva course

These usually consist of a series of practice sessions that allow candidates to experience mock vivas and receive feedback and suggestions for improvement from mock examiners.

The aim of this course is to assist candidates in their preparation for the final oral examination and refine techniques and knowledge to increase chances of success in the final oral examination. Although the aim is to obtain viva practice, it is not possible within the given timeframe to review all information required for the final oral examination.

This course is currently only offered in ACT, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia and Wellington.

Final medical refresher course

The aim of this course is to assist candidates in their preparation for the final examination and refine techniques and knowledge to increase chances of success in the final examination.

Each hospital is responsible for organising their session. This means each session may slightly differ; however, all candidates in attendance will receive a refresher of examination skills and clinical knowledge for the final examination.

Each session is organised into tutorial groups of five or six, assigned to a medical registrar who will lead them through several short cases. The sessions are approximately divided into equal time periods of history/examination and presentation/discussion. Any remaining time will be spent on discussion of relevant additional investigations and/or anaesthetic implications of the conditions uncovered.

This course is currently offered in Victoria and Wellington only.

Final anatomy course

This comprehensive course covers the anatomy knowledge required to pass the final examination and assist candidates in their preparation for written and oral examinations. This course is currently offered in Victoria only.